Ruthy Alon es una de las maestras que más me han inspirado en mi camino como practicante de Educación Somática. Ella fue una de las primeras maestras entrenadas directamente por Moshe Feldenkrais en los años 60, en Israel, y luego trabajar muchos años con él, Ruthy comenzó a construir sobre ese conocimiento y a desarrollar sus propias aplicaciones del método,…
Last Friday, June 21st, I gave my first solo concert in Istanbul. It had been 4 years since the last time I played alone on a stage (last time was in Cali, Colombia, seems like a lifetime ago). Actually, it wasn’t a full «solo» concert, because on the second part of the show I was joined on stage by my…
— Please scroll down for English — Şifalı Hareketler / Healing Movements Sizleri Ernesto ve Alper ile rahatlatan, oyuncu ve birleştiren bu çalışmaya davet ediyoruz. İki eğitmenin ustalık alanlarını birbirinin içinde eriterek oluşturduğu bu çalışmada -Intelligent Movement (Hareketin Zekası)-Meditative ve Creative Movement (Meditatif ve Yaratıcı Hareket )-Intuitive Touch (Sezgisel Dokunuş) -Evrensel Barış Dansları bilgilerini paylaşacaklar. Tüm bu uygulanacak pratiklerle beraber…
This year I was invited to participate in The Conference of Birds, a gathering of artists and explorers of the soul in the south of Turkey. The organizers asked me to come as a musician and to lead the circles of Dances of Universal peace, along with new Turkish dance leaders in training. This was a beautiful experience, sharing one…
—-scroll down for English—- Sizleri Ernesto ve Alper ile üç buçuk saatlik rahatlatan, oyuncu ve birleştiren bu çalışmaya davet ediyoruz. Bizlerle Intelligent Movement (Hareketin Zekası), Meditative ve Creative Movement (Meditatif ve Yaratıcı Hareket ), Intuitive Touch (Sezgisel Dokunuş) ve Evrensel Barış Dansları bilgilerini paylaşacaklar. Tüm bu uygulanacak pratiklerle beraber katılımcılar hareketin iyileştirici yönlerini keşfedip, hatırlayarak deneyimleyeceklerdir. Intelligent Movement rafine edilmiş…
During my recent visit to Iran, I shared an evening of Dances of Universal Peace and a session of Intelligent Movement in Tehran. This was a beautiful closing for this trip where I had the opportunity to discover a different side of this country, one that is not often shown in the Western media. Here are some images from this…
Between the 12th and the 18th of February I had the opportunity to attend a mystic music retreat in Qeshm, Iran, a beautiful island in the Persian Gulf, where I studied Makam music from Anatolia as well as other musical styles and forms from the Persian tradition. During the workshop, I also had the chance to teach Intelligent Movement to…
The other day I was watching a short video class by Dominic Miller, the guitarist of Sting’s band, and he said something that made me think about how some musicians approach the instrument, especially when they are learning a new song, scale or technique. Miller says that when he practices music, playing fast is not the important thing: For…
Hace un año, el 7 de noviembre de 2016, murió el poeta, novelista y cantante canadiense Leonard Cohen, una de las voces más influyentes de la literatura norteamericana del siglo XX y, en palabras de Bob Dylan, «el número 1 de la música» (Dylan se consideraba a sí mismo «el número cero»). Leonard Cohen fue inducido en el Salón…